Monday, April 23, 2012

Before and After

Here is a before and after picture of the kitchen in Tiverton.
The before picture was taken in 2001.  That was a long journey to get the house to it's present state today.
And then the after:
The window opening remained where it was.  But everything else was removed including the window and framing.  Of course we restored the window.

And these show the in-between work.
Including all new framing, plaster and the soapstone counter installation.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chicken Coops

Here are a few unusual ideas for chicken coops. This coming spring I want to begin keeping chickens. From what I've seen chickens are pretty flexible with their living arrangements.

Illustration Credit:

Featured in Mother Earth’s portable henhouse design.

This one is very "British" Love the bumper sticker.

Made out of a found dresser.